Leviticus – Sin Sacrifice Priests and Blood

The book of Leviticus and the blood of atonement - lamb bound and ready for sacrifice

The Book of Leviticus, the book of regulations for the priesthood, worship, festivals, sacrifices and the blood of atonement. There is a long list of requirements and procedures for the sacrifices of bulls, sheep, goats, pigeons and dove. All of which have some special requirement for the blood of the sacrifice. But, what did the … Read more

7 Times God Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart

god hardened pharaoh's heart featured image

Seven times God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not let the people of Israel go. If you’ve read the book of Exodus, or perhaps seen the movie “Moses” or more recently “Exodus Gods and Kings”, you are familiar with the story. God calls Moses to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the … Read more

What is The Book of Esther About? The Pride of Haman and the Stubbornness of Mordecai?

What is the Book of Esther About - Mordecai refuses to bow to Haman

What is the book of Esther about in the bible? The Jews have been in exile in Babylon. The Persians overthrow Babylon. The King of Persia allows some of the Jews to return to Israel but some decide to stay in Persia. Many by this time have been born and raised in Babylon and only … Read more

Ecclesiastes and the Chasing After the wind

The book of Ecclesiastes. A sad and depressing, all hope is lost, book for some. For me, it’s one of my favorite books of the bible. Why? Because if the richest and wisest man in the world can’t find happiness, then maybe it doesn’t exist this side of eternity. I think it ties in beautifully … Read more

Ezra and Nehemiah the Return from Exile

Ezra and Nehemiah the return from exile

The book of Ezra documents the return from exile as Israel is gone from the promised land. The northern 10 tribes have been scattered among the nations by the Assyrians. Judah and Benjamin have been taken into exile in Babylon. Yet, there is still hope, the word of God is true and sure. His promises … Read more

800 years From Promised Land to Exile – They were Warned!

Israel 800 years promised land to exile

So far, in our trip through the Bible, we’ve gone from creation, to the promise, to the promised land and then the punishment. The Story of Israel has taken many dramatic and unfortunate turns. From celebration and worship to disobedience and exile. And, they were warned many times, yet they continually tested Gods patience over … Read more