Canaan Conqued Choose This Day Whom You will Serve

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD

Joshua, with the LORD going before him, conquers the land of Canaan. In less than seven years, he defeats 31 kingdoms of the Canaanites. A bloody time in the history of Israel. They utterly destroyed the people of Canaan, gave them no mercy but exterminated them as the LORD had commanded through Moses. Well, most … Read more

Blessing or Curse and Farewell to Moses


The time of Moses is coming to and end. In Deuteronomy Chapters 27-34, Moses lays out very plainly again the law and the consequences of not keeping the Commandments and statutes of the LORD Your GOD. Obedience brings prosperity and blessing, provision and protection from GOD. Disobedience leads to disaster and the LORD already knows … Read more

Numbers 25 and the Incredible Zeal of Phinehas

The Incredible Zeal of Phinehas - the sinner in the mirror

God has just used the eastern mystic Balaam to thwart Balak, the king of Moab’s plans of cursing the Israelites. He ends up blessing them instead. But, Balaam is not done, he has another plan, and the men of Israel fall right into his trap. And, if not for the Zeal of Phinehas, the people … Read more

Numbers 22 – 24 and The Amazing Talking Donkey

Balaam and his talking donkey

Why a talking donkey? Like they say, the LORD works in mysterious ways. The 40 years of wilderness wanderings is winding down. The old generation has died off and their children are preparing to finally take possession of the promised land. And then comes Balaam and his donkey. Numbers 22: 3 The Dread of Moab … Read more