Hi, my name is Rex and I am by no means, a theologian. I am just a humble sinner. A laymans layman if you will. Seeking and learning about the LORD and his plans for me. And, ultimately to be conformed to the image of the SON for the Glory of GOD.

I have a few years under my belt, just crossing the 60-year threshold. Raised in the United Methodist Church and currently a member of the Baptist denomination. I have friends of all faiths and christian denominations. I have sat through the Morman Missionary presentations.
I have a bachelors and Master’s degree in Genetics and Animal Breeding. Being trained and educated in the sciences, I spent a time searching, questioning if you will, which faith is real? And, is there even really a God? Fortunately for me, God led me full circle back to HIM.
I found that science, true science, can never have all the answers. It always ultimately leads to more questions, and the realization that there is “something else”. I read about other religions budhist, hindu, Islam etc., but they had nothing to offer. A small book that I highly recommend, helped clear the path for me. “More Than A Carpenter” by Josh McDowell.
I hope by sharing my thoughts and studies through God’s word, that we can have a constructive dialog that both enlightens us and glorifies GOD. I do not pretend to be a bible expert. I read, study, pray and research. There are those much more educated in the subject than I and I fully realize that.
Also, I know that we all come to God’s word with our own prejudices and worldviews. I have no interest in arguing over denominational doctrines or ancient theological conflicts. I will be more than happy to listen to your ideas and theories, but the ultimate authority is the Holy Bible, in its entirety, Genesis to Revelation.
May God Bless and Keep You Always,
Rex McMahon